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tirsdag den 5. april 2011

United States of America

How much do you know? Make a comment on this blog where you mention 5 things about USA.

16 kommentarer:

  1. 1. Hollywood: Very many famous people lives there.

    2. Statue of liberty: A world-known statue in New York.

    3. McDonalds: One of the most famous fastfood restaurants in USA.

    4. New York: One of the biggest towns in USA.

    5. The White House: Is the presidents house.

    6. Yellow Stone: Is a very big national par in USA.

  2. What do i know about USA:

    - USAs president is called Barack Obama, and his wife is called Michelle Obama.
    - The first people in USA was the indians.
    - They got the Statue of Liberty.
    - Huntington is the fattest city in USA.
    - New york is the biggest city in USA.

    By Trille

  3. 1. The president of USA is Barack Obama - The first black president of USA.
    2. Martin Luther King was coming from USA - He was fighting against discrimination.
    3. The first people in USA were indians - The indians was hunted away from their own country, and was selling the island of Manhatten at a price of 1 bag of glassglobes and 20$.
    4. Mount Rushmore is in USA - Four faces is cutted into the the mountains.
    5. The capital of USA is Washington D.C. - The White House is in Washington D.C.
    6. Grand Canyon is in USA - One of the biggest touris attractions.

  4. 1: the statue of liberty was a gift from frence.
    2: the tallest man who ever lived, he came from USA
    3: A piece of Niagra falls is in USA.
    4: New York is both a state and a city.
    5: There is about 50 states in USA.


  5. 1. The statue of Liberty - Once France gave the statue of liberty as a present. I don't remember why. But i think it was something with a war..

    2. Indians - A long time ago, the indians lived in USA.

    3. Colombus - Christoffer Colombus from Europe discovered USA.

    4. Barack Obama - Obama is the first black president in USA. There have been alot of president in USA.

    5. Yellow stone - There is a big volcano in USA, if it goes in eruption someone says that, the world will be covered in ash. (that's how i remember it...)

    6. I know that somewhere, there is some special mountains?

    7. Niagra falls - Between Canada and USA there is a waterfall. Someof it is in USA and, some in Canada.

    Lavet af Sarah B.

  6. 5 things i now about USA:

    1: Disney Land is a big "land", with many parks. It is in US.
    2: The statue of lebbety is stand in US.
    3: Robert Pershing Wadlow is the worlds biggest man. He was 272 cm. high.
    4: Hollywood is a place were the famous peaple are.
    5: Barrac Obamma is the new precident in US.
    6: Many of burgerbars. US is the fattest land in the world!

    Made by Anna 6.B

  7. : The statue og of liberty - signs of freedom.
    2: New york is both a city and a state.
    3: Barack Obama the presedent of USA.
    4: There is about 52 states in USA
    5: Some of the waterfall Niagra is in USA.

    lavet af ulrik

  8. 1. The bigget town is heamsted,new york
    2. Ther liv indians in usa
    3. The yellow ston is a volikan and a big national park
    4. Canada is the neighbour
    5. the Statue of Liberty

    lavet af hp

  9. 1. the statue of liberty

    2. barack obama the first black president in usa

    3.yellow stone

    4.ther is many famous in hollywood

    5.the first people was the indians

  10. 1: The statue of Liberty it stands on a island.
    2: Hollywood: Is a place/"city" were all the famous peoble are and live. There are big partys.
    3: Barack Obama is the president United States Of America.
    4: The worlds biggest man ever Robert Pershing Wadlow he was 273 cm.
    5: Disney land is in USA is a big park/"land" where is very mutch thing about disney...

    Made by: Stevold ;D

  11. 1: Obama- Obama is the first black president of the united states. and he is president now.
    2: Columbus- Columbus was the first eouropean who discoveret the united states.
    3: States- usa i seperated in states.
    4: statue of liberty- the statue of liberty is an statue in new york and it was a gift from france.
    language: in usa they speak english, but there is also realy realy many people speakin spanish

  12. 1:Stature of liberty-in New York, from French
    2:Barack Obama-first black president i USA
    3:Columbus-The first white man in USA
    4:Hollywood-The most rich and famous people live there.
    5: the white house- the president's house.

    Made by: Caroline.

  13. 1. Stature af liberty - A stature in usa.
    2. The white house - The hous were the precident live and work.
    3. George Bush - The old precident in usa.
    4. Barac Obama - The precident in usa.
    5. Indians - Some peopel there live in afrika for tousand of years.

    Made by Jonathan

  14. 1.New york is one of the world's largest cityes.

    2.Hollywood is wherethe famous live and work.

    3.USA has the white house, where the president lives.

    4.USA has some of the words best singers.

    5.Disney cartoons are know thoughout the world and they ome form USA.

    Made by Cecilie

  15. 1.the statue of liberty is a gift from france dedicated the 28th of october 1886

    2.mount rushmore are the faces of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln

    3.yellowstone is the first national park in america

    4. grand canyon si a canyon made by the battle of the elements

    5. the white house is the home of u.s.a's president(barack obama)
